Monday, 14 July 2008

Put them out of my misery! Psalm 35

How do you apply a Psalm to your life about God’s chosen king experiencing a serious diplomatic incident? Not only that, how are we to respond to his undiplomatic and brutal call for God to sort it out? Asking to hit the ejector seat on our enemies (when and if we get them) seems pretty intolerant and extreme. But it is a big issue. How can persecution and evil exist in a world where God is good and promises to bless? Why do we or anyone else suffer at the hands of others? What if we are the cause of suffering?

King David has no doubt that God can handle evil. This might explain his outrageous and comprehensive ‘to do’ list for the LORD. He knew that God will do it properly and not like him. He asks God to punish those who seek his life in a way that the punishment fits the crime. The crime in this case is a nation that is breaking a treaty with Israel but making David look like the bad guy. Ancient treaties were signed with consequences. Blessings for abiding by the covenant and curses for a failure to deliver.

David is confident that God will do this as he has already started thinking about how he will praise God. But that won’t happen until it is done. The readers of the psalm are to have the same confidence and to rejoice in David’s vindication.

So, do you have that confidence in God dealing with evil? Can you make outrageous demands of God regarding evil?

Since David there are 3 key outrageous demands that reflect this Psalm.

Outrageous Demand #1 - Crucify him! The treachery not only of the nations but of God’s chosen people in betraying their king unjustly. All of humanity is guilty of wishing God were dead (many times we think and act wishing God were not there to enjoy life with us).

Outrageous Demand #2 – Father Forgive them! Jesus response to the world’s rebelion? 

Outrageous Demand #3 – Vindicate me! Jesus is vindicated because he was innocent. Through Jesus we can be right with God. Vindicated through Jesus’ righteousness and not our own. You can ask that of God. Trust in Jesus and you benefit from his righteousness. Even though you are wrong, God can declare you right as a free gift through Jesus.  This is worth rejoicing in.

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