Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Focal Point wrap

Truly Focal Point has got to be about the best thing FOCUS does each year. The word 'intense' is the one that traditionally comes up to describe what happens. But even with hours and hours in the Bible and discussion each day for many people the enthusiasm and desire for God increases all the more as the week goes on. 
    This year the theme of 'church' was the one we tackled. Not perhaps the most marketable or exciting topic we could have picked...but one that catches you by surprise because it's so important. 
    Jesus said in Matthew 16 that he would build his church and the gates of death itself would not stop it. I can't imagine how Jesus could have more bluntly pointed out the significance of the church and by the end of Focal Point I can't recall seeing a more enthusiastic group keen to get involved in the task of serving Jesus and building his church.
    Please pray for those who were able to attend that the week of learning will turn into a life of fruitful church living. There was plenty of excitement and indeed plenty of repentance as people were more and more gripped by God's agenda. Let's pray it's followed up and lived out.
    Please also ask those who were able to attend not just what they may have learnt and enjoyed about the week, but what it now means for them. I hope we find their answers encouraging and I hope together as a congregation we can work together more and more to see Jesus' church built in number and maturity for God's glory. 

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