Monday, 23 November 2009

Dealing with Pornography

Here's some extremely helpful material in the struggle to avoid and be freed from the tyranny and sin of using pornography. Simply titled Breaking Pornography Addiction Part 1 and Breaking Pornography Addiction Part 2, David Powlison offers plenty of Gospel help and hope. This is the sort of thing worth reading over and then meeting up with a friend to talk over.


  1. Thank you very much for posting these articles - they're really helpful! I think we all have a yearning inside for close relationship, but mulling over or acting out lustful thoughts does not achieve this. God is powerful and He will change me!

  2. Also a program I have found useful that monitors ALL internet activity is covenant eyes. At it's not free, but the I believe cost is an insignificant price to pay for such an aid in remaining pure.


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