Maybe you just find it hard to tell people about Jesus when you think that others don’t respect you? How does reputation and God’s reputation fit together?
An Outrageous Prayer
In Psalm 31 we get a ballsy prayer from King David. Not only is it ballsy it is a bold command and he has enlisted the choir to sing it loud and proud to God. The main gist of it is ‘What about my reputation God?!’ He asks Yahweh to ‘Let me never be put to shame (v.1).’
But in the same song David recognises his shame and how it is zapping him of his very life.
My strength fails because of my iniquity,
And my bones waste away. (v.10)
Yet David’s reputation is linked to Yahweh’s reputation.
‘for your name’s sake you lead me and guide me’(v.3).
It seems a pretty outrageous prayer, doesn’t it. ‘Make me look good even though I look bad….because, as your chosen King leading your chosen people you’ll look good!’.
But it is a prayer David is confident will be answered and this should encourage the faithful.
Is your life in Yahweh’s hands?
David prays to Yahweh (the LORD) – he doesn’t dress up his life to be acceptable. Instead he throws himself upon Yahweh and his promises. This is the only place for life, true reputation and meaning. Without Yahweh, David would be lost. So he says ‘into your hands I commit me spirit’ (v.5).
Jesus prays the same prayer – not so that his life would be spared but as his life is being taken. He was so confident in his heavenly father bringing him back to life. It was because he was dying for the iniquity of his people and not his own that death could not hold him in judgement. Death would not diminish or cause Jesus’ reputation to fade. Instead his reputation is higher than anyone else’s because of his outrageous love and service for us.
If you trust in Jesus you will not bear the consequences of sin and failure but will be glorified when our king returns. Our reputation is only anything because of Jesus' reputation. Are you praying this outrageous prayer with confidence? Jesus gives us a reputation before our reputation reflects his. It is to God’s glory.