Romans chapter 8....a favourite for many.
I can think of no better passage that exposes the experience of the Christian life in the light of the achievement of the work of Christ.
No richer passage it terms of the expectations of the Christian life.
It is real, it is raw. I believe it holds the key to not just hanging in there as a Christian, not just surviving….more than that, there is a yearning, a longing, a power in this chapter that draws you close to God, that teaches us how to live this earthly life, while being destined for heavenly life.
We'll be spending 5 weeks from June 14 working it through. But while I'm preparing I've got a candid series of questions for you to respond to:
What do you find especially difficult or perplexing about living in this age, while longing for the full reality of the next?
What do you find yourself most yearning for?
What things in this life cause you to doubt and waver in your passion and conviction about the next life?
Heavy questions I know, but I'd love people's honest stories. If you're uncomfortable about sharing your name in the blog comments, you can choose to remain anonymous. Either way, please read through Romans 8 and consider them.
For those who are interested, here's the series plan.
June 14 "The invasion of a new world" (8:1-11)
June 21 "War of the world's" (8:12-17)
June 28 "Hope through Suffering" (8:18-25)
July 5 "Glory through Weakness (8:26-30)
July 12 "Victory through Greatness" (8:31-39)