Q1) How long have you been coming along to Crossroads?
1 month 12%
3 months 4%
6 months 9%
9 months 12%
12 months 7%
18 months 9%
2 years 9%
3 years 10%
4 years 10%
5+ years 11%
10+ years 6%
Q2) How did you find out about CitC?
Friend 76%
Website 4%
Yellow Pages <1%
5+ years 11%
10+ years 6%
Q2) How did you find out about CitC?
Friend 76%
Website 4%
Yellow Pages <1%
Advertising 3%
Referred 16%
Q3) Have you found CitC to be a friendly and welcoming congregation to be part of?
Strong yes 37%
Yes 54%
No 7%
Strong No 2%
Q4) Do you find the music and singing at CitC encouraging and enjoyable?
Strong yes 53%
Yes 41%
No 4%
Strong No 2%
Strong yes 37%
Yes 54%
No 7%
Strong No 2%
Q4) Do you find the music and singing at CitC encouraging and enjoyable?
Strong yes 53%
Yes 41%
No 4%
Strong No 2%
Q5) Do you think the style of music at CitC connects and works with most people you know?
Strong Yes 36%
Yes 52%
No 9%
Strong No 3%
Q6) How much singing should we be doing at CitC?
Much more 3%
Little More 27%
It’s about right 67%
A little Less 3%
Much less 0%
Our service
Q7) Do you think our Sunday night gatherings succeed in helping people genuinely engage with God?
Strong Yes 47%
Yes 48%
No 3%
Strong No 2%
Q8) Do you think our Sunday night gatherings succeed in helping people genuinely engage with each other?
Strong Yes 15%
Yes 60%
No 20%
Strong No 5%
Q9) Overall the preaching at CitC is encouraging and challenging.
Strong Yes 72%
Yes 25%
No 2%
Strong No 1%
Q10) Overall the preaching at CitC is easy to follow.
Strong Yes 55%
Yes 40%
No 3%
Strong No 2%
Q11) Overall the preaching at CitC is faithful to the Bible.
Strong Yes 82%
Yes 1 6%
No <1%
Strong Yes 36%
Yes 52%
No 9%
Strong No 3%
Q6) How much singing should we be doing at CitC?
Much more 3%
Little More 27%
It’s about right 67%
A little Less 3%
Much less 0%
Our service
Q7) Do you think our Sunday night gatherings succeed in helping people genuinely engage with God?
Strong Yes 47%
Yes 48%
No 3%
Strong No 2%
Q8) Do you think our Sunday night gatherings succeed in helping people genuinely engage with each other?
Strong Yes 15%
Yes 60%
No 20%
Strong No 5%
Q9) Overall the preaching at CitC is encouraging and challenging.
Strong Yes 72%
Yes 25%
No 2%
Strong No 1%
Q10) Overall the preaching at CitC is easy to follow.
Strong Yes 55%
Yes 40%
No 3%
Strong No 2%
Q11) Overall the preaching at CitC is faithful to the Bible.
Strong Yes 82%
Yes 1 6%
No <1%
Strong No 1%
Q12) Overall the preaching at CitC connects well with me.
Strong Yes 56%
Yes 37%
No 6%
Strong No 1%
Q13) Would the preaching ‘style’ and content connect well with your friends & family?
Strong Yes 24%
Yes 56%
No 17%
Strong No 3%
Feeling connected and cared for
Q14) CitC is a place where I feel I am connected well with people?
Strong Yes 24%
Yes 47%
No 25%
Strong No 4%
Q15) At CitC I don’t really know how to connect with others and/or I know very few people.
Strong Yes 8%
Yes 31%
No 42%
Strong No 19%
Q16) I consider CitC to be a place where people genuinely care for each other.
Strong Yes 28%
Yes 60%
No 11%
Strong No 1%
Q17) I find it easy to find out what is happening at CitC and that information is communicated well about what is going on.
Strong Yes 49%
Yes 40%
No 9%
Strong No 2%
Being involved in CitC
Q18) I understand the purpose of our Sunday gatherings.
Strong Yes 61%
Yes 34%
No 4%
Strong No <1%
Strong Yes 56%
Yes 37%
No 6%
Strong No 1%
Q13) Would the preaching ‘style’ and content connect well with your friends & family?
Strong Yes 24%
Yes 56%
No 17%
Strong No 3%
Feeling connected and cared for
Q14) CitC is a place where I feel I am connected well with people?
Strong Yes 24%
Yes 47%
No 25%
Strong No 4%
Q15) At CitC I don’t really know how to connect with others and/or I know very few people.
Strong Yes 8%
Yes 31%
No 42%
Strong No 19%
Q16) I consider CitC to be a place where people genuinely care for each other.
Strong Yes 28%
Yes 60%
No 11%
Strong No 1%
Q17) I find it easy to find out what is happening at CitC and that information is communicated well about what is going on.
Strong Yes 49%
Yes 40%
No 9%
Strong No 2%
Being involved in CitC
Q18) I understand the purpose of our Sunday gatherings.
Strong Yes 61%
Yes 34%
No 4%
Strong No <1%
Q19) I feel I am involved in building Christ’s kingdom at CitC.
Strong Yes 27%
Yes 46%
No 22%
Strong No 4%
Q20) I regularly feel encouraged to get involved in serving at church.
Strong Yes 29%
Yes 44%
No 23%
Strong No 5%
Q21) There are things that I would like to be doing more of at CitC but I’m not sure how to go about it.
Strong Yes 15%
Yes 21%
No 46%
Strong No 18%
This year
Q22) I have grown in my love and understanding of Jesus through my involvement with CitC.
Strong Yes 48%
Yes 36%
No 14%
Strong No 2%
Q23) I have been shown clearly how the gospel applies to my life.
Strong Yes 54%
Yes 35%
No 7%
Strong No 3%
Q24) I financially support Crossroads.
Regularly 31%
Sometimes 18%
Irregularly 22%
Not at all 11%
Yet to organise18%
Thinking of others
Q25) Do you think we generally conduct our meetings and events in such a way so as to make the gospel attractive and compelling for those who don’t yet know Christ?
Strong Yes 30%
Yes 57%
No 11%
Strong No 3%
Q26) Would you be happy to invite your friends or family along to CitC?
Strong Yes 41%
Yes 44%
No 11%
Strong No 3%
Q27) Have you asked any of your friends or family what are not Christian to come along to church with you this year?
Yes 58%
No 42%
Q28) Do you think CitC is a place where a hunger and love for God is experienced, encouraged and modelled?
Strong Yes 49%
Yes 43%
No 5%
Strong No 3%
Q29) Do you think CitC is a place where a love for others is experienced, encouraged and modelled?
Strong Yes 26%
Yes 61%
No 11%
Strong No 2%
Q30) Do you think the facilities that we use for CitC are suitable?
Strong Yes 44%
Yes 49%
No 6%
Strong No 1%
Q31) Do you find the 6:30-8pm Sunday night timeslot is one that works well for you?
Agree 71%
Prefer earlier 19%
Prefer later 9%
Earlier & later 1%
Q32) Do you come to pre-church coffee?
Regularly 15%
Sometimes 32%
Hardly ever 24%
Never been 30%
Q33) Do you hang around and talk to people after church?
Regularly 61%
Sometimes 31%
Hardly ever 6%
Never been 2%
Q34) Do you plan to be involved and committed to CitC in 2009?
Yes 73%
No 7%
Unsure 21%
So, what do you think?
Strong Yes 27%
Yes 46%
No 22%
Strong No 4%
Q20) I regularly feel encouraged to get involved in serving at church.
Strong Yes 29%
Yes 44%
No 23%
Strong No 5%
Q21) There are things that I would like to be doing more of at CitC but I’m not sure how to go about it.
Strong Yes 15%
Yes 21%
No 46%
Strong No 18%
This year
Q22) I have grown in my love and understanding of Jesus through my involvement with CitC.
Strong Yes 48%
Yes 36%
No 14%
Strong No 2%
Q23) I have been shown clearly how the gospel applies to my life.
Strong Yes 54%
Yes 35%
No 7%
Strong No 3%
Q24) I financially support Crossroads.
Regularly 31%
Sometimes 18%
Irregularly 22%
Not at all 11%
Yet to organise18%
Thinking of others
Q25) Do you think we generally conduct our meetings and events in such a way so as to make the gospel attractive and compelling for those who don’t yet know Christ?
Strong Yes 30%
Yes 57%
No 11%
Strong No 3%
Q26) Would you be happy to invite your friends or family along to CitC?
Strong Yes 41%
Yes 44%
No 11%
Strong No 3%
Q27) Have you asked any of your friends or family what are not Christian to come along to church with you this year?
Yes 58%
No 42%
Q28) Do you think CitC is a place where a hunger and love for God is experienced, encouraged and modelled?
Strong Yes 49%
Yes 43%
No 5%
Strong No 3%
Q29) Do you think CitC is a place where a love for others is experienced, encouraged and modelled?
Strong Yes 26%
Yes 61%
No 11%
Strong No 2%
Q30) Do you think the facilities that we use for CitC are suitable?
Strong Yes 44%
Yes 49%
No 6%
Strong No 1%
Q31) Do you find the 6:30-8pm Sunday night timeslot is one that works well for you?
Agree 71%
Prefer earlier 19%
Prefer later 9%
Earlier & later 1%
Q32) Do you come to pre-church coffee?
Regularly 15%
Sometimes 32%
Hardly ever 24%
Never been 30%
Q33) Do you hang around and talk to people after church?
Regularly 61%
Sometimes 31%
Hardly ever 6%
Never been 2%
Q34) Do you plan to be involved and committed to CitC in 2009?
Yes 73%
No 7%
Unsure 21%
So, what do you think?