Sunday, 30 March 2008
That terrible 'P' word

Tuesday, 25 March 2008
Church for all nations
Thursday, 20 March 2008
Appreciation to the Dudleys
The time has almost arrived when Paul, Michelle and family make the move to Sydney. I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank them for their ministry and friendship with us over the past three years. They will be deeply missed, as they have been deeply loved, by so many of us. We have been blessed and encouraged by their love and passion for ministry, especially among children and youth. Paul leaves a legacy of having shaped and guided an inspirational ministry among our families, and beyond. Our church is one that is welcoming to men, women, youth, children… and PUPPETS! We understand that his shoes will be difficult to fill, and it is probably important that we don’t expect someone to fill them. Others will come along with their own shoes!
More than a buzz
The last few weeks have been a buzz of activity and excitement. How wonderful to see so many people coming to church. It seems that both morning congregations have over 100 adults involved and Crossroads in the City has seen over 250 people coming. Many people are involved in serving every Sunday, making church happen, reaching out to people, and responding to opportunities for ministry. Crossroads International Fellowship, Crossfire, boys and girls clubs, FOCUS, City Bible Forums, and Supa clubs are among the many ways that people are serving and reaching out to others.
Making a difference
Looking back at 1 Peter, please let me ask you a few questions:
- Will you pray that God will transform your life so that you attract people to God?
- Will you pray that God will open opportunities for you to talk to people about what and why you believe?
- Are you able to explain clearly to someone who might ask what you believe and why? And if you are not sure about this, will you take steps to be prepared?
I don’t think that this means we all have to be ‘evangelists’, that we will all be on ‘the front line’, or that God has gifted us all in the same way. However, it does mean that as a church we are keen to work together to see people’s lives transformed. Together we can use what God has given us to pray and work and live and speak to promote Jesus and invite people to follow him. Please think of church, not only as a catch up with Christian friends, but as an opportunity to connect people with Jesus. Please consider your home groups and gospel groups as a time to be spurring each other on in making a difference for God. Please ask God to make a big difference in your life, that is evident to all.
There are two books that I would recommend as we explore these things together, and they are: Promoting the Gospel by John Dickson and Know and Tell the Gospel by John Chapman. These books are readily available at all Christian bookshops and well worth a read. We have also enjoyed a good relationship with both authors. Chappo encouraged us last month, and we are looking forward to John Dickson spending a few days with us in early May. John has a TV documentary on The Christ Files showing on Prime TV at noon on Good Friday and he will be speaking at church on 4th May. Please pray and plan now to invite friends to hear him.
Friday, 14 March 2008
Marketing peril